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The 14th Annual Dinner & Auction
12 Noon, Saturday January 24th
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Members & Friends of the great and honorable Seattle Pipe Club:
The exalted Steering Committee is joyous in announcing that our beloved coterie of distinguished puffers
of the noble weed we so cherish and call tobacco has accounted its
Thirteenth full annum
of continuous club meetings at the close of the year 2014.
Being of extraordinary accomplishment it has been decided that an
Annual Dinner be held and that your presence be at hand.
Being said, you are cordially invited to the SPC's 14th Annual Pipe Dinner,
Saturday January 24, 2015, 12:00 p.m.
at the northwest’s most distinguished gentlemen’s smoke room, Smokey Joe’s.
You shall enjoy a fine repast
and in audience for the keynote address of world class pipeman Mr Kevin Godbee
Keynote Speaker: Kevin Godbee
Kevin breathed new life into the pipe world when he created in 2009. Since then the site has become THE source for news, entertainment and information about all things pipe & tobacco. There is a weekly radio show hosted by Brian Levine. Master Blenders Greg Pease and Russ Ouellette both pen regular columns on tobacco & all its mysteries. The PipeMagazine forums are alive with the buzz of this vibrant pipe community. Kevin is truly the Hugh Hefner of the modern pipe world. He even has a monthly Pipe Babe featuring lovely ladies smoking fine pipes. Genius! Kevin has inspired pipe carver Steve Morrisette to write a regular feature on pipe attire for the well dressed pipe man. We are delighted Kevin has accepted our invitation and this evening promises to fun and unforgettable. To top it off, Kevin is a wonderfully humorous and charismatic speaker enjoyed by all audiences. Seating is limited. Awards, traditional pipe ceremonies, live & silent auctions, exquisite catered meal, friends from near and far. Please mark your calendars for the Club’s annual gala event. There is nothing like it anywhere in the pipe world.
And capping the evening, the esteemed opportunity to enrich the
Club’s treasury by a rousing live auction of Smokiana and other fancy articles.
Tickets are $75 each Seattle member and their guest. Vancouver Pipe Club members in-good-standing may attend at the same rate as SPC members. Non members are encouraged to join the SPC and attend as Club members.
You are encouraged to purchase in advance at SPC club meetings, simply click the REGISTER button and follow the instructions or mail your U.S. personal check or U.S. funds draft to …
Seattle Pipe Club, c/o Matt Guss, 6602 Flanagan Rd W, Lakewood, WA 98499
(Out-of-towners will have their ticket[s] mailed upon request.)
The honorable Steering Committee looks forward to your presence.
(Smokey Joe’s Cigar Lounge is located on Hwy 99 in Fife within BJ’s Bingo. Jacket and tie for the men.)